Tuesday, July 31, 2007

missed the humve?

Duration: 39 seconds
Upload Time: 06-06-28 11:42:49
User: feb58
:::: Favorites

show a bomb exploding after the army hummer moved away...

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tanker99 ::: Favorites
bring it on
07-07-21 20:38:04
KNIGHTSOF92 ::: Favorites
not very nice to call anouther humen "scum" no matter what side your on. you are right about the media but you forgot about the types of tactics that they are using take a shot at them run away then take anouther shot at them later
07-07-22 18:41:37
mattisshizzle ::: Favorites
let me be clear: ISLAMO-FACISTS ARE S-C-U-M. Read about chechnya, dagestan, beslan(whole story suppressed), france, england, sudan, somalia, indonesia, phillipines, iraq, afghanistan, etc. they abuse and murder civilians AS A MATTER OF PURPOSE AND DESIGN everywhere they show up. Kill every last one of them. If another takes his place, light him up too. instead of patton/sherman/puller/etc, we get powell/pace/clark/etc.
07-07-22 18:51:21
KNIGHTSOF92 ::: Favorites
stop calling these people scum, its not like our countrys have ever killed someone.everything that happens on earth happens for a reason and people like "you" just make it worse by compairing what they are doing to us by what other countrys did to other countrys its a cycle, its easy to break, but the humen mind is so stupid that we have to follow the handful of people on this earth that have a bit of brains and want it their way and not take matters for ourselvs
07-07-23 03:07:02
mattisshizzle ::: Favorites
Knight who says 'nee': you need education. feel free to go to anywhere i have mentioned, and talk your kumbaya-rose-colored glasses tripe. I will pray for your soul after they saw your head off. Easy to break? on what planet? this jihad has gone on for over a thousand years. look into the history of any of the places i mentioned. Islamo-facists are scum, and must be eradicated so that the rest of the world, including decent Muslims, can have peace.
07-07-23 09:33:19
KNIGHTSOF92 ::: Favorites
you remind me of hitler and stalin
07-07-24 02:09:25
mattisshizzle ::: Favorites
You remind me of someone too lazy to get facts. You remind me of a coward. You remind me of leftist scum who, when they can not support their position (either because it is untenable or they have not/will not research it) resort to calling others hitler and/or stalin. please do not vote. you are too dishonest and lazy.
07-07-24 11:59:54
nominerad ::: Favorites
أغيثونا ياأهل ألسنة في ألعالم وأنصرواإخوانكم ألمجاهدين في دولةالعراق ألاسلاميةضدألصليبين والروافض قبل أن يقوموا بإبادتناوالله لقد هتكواعرضناوأذلوناإنهم يقومون بقتلنا ليل نهارشيوخاوأطفالاونساءتحت تعتيم إعلامي لغرض بناءدولتهم ألفارسيةألموعودة فأين أنتم ياأسودالتوحيد
07-07-29 14:34:15
nominerad ::: Favorites
قال الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم لاتزال طائفة من امتي يقاتلون على الحق ظاهرين إلى يوم ألقيامة، إنها الطائفة التي أصبح المسلمين ضدها هذه ألايام وتركوا دينهم متعلقين بهذه الدنيا الزائفة مع الاسف
07-07-29 14:34:36
w55ks ::: Favorites
wht kind of asshole would blow themselves up for religon fucken bible thumpers!! if i see u were ever im goin ill take a shit on ur head!
07-07-30 02:47:18

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