Thursday, August 30, 2007

Paris Trouble

Duration: 01:14 minutes
Upload Time: 07-01-17 07:44:20
User: wallyworld
:::: Favorites

Paris poolside in bikini and high heels.

daredevil1 ::: Favorites
There's pool by the pool!
07-01-21 20:50:48
wallyworld ::: Favorites
Ah ha - you noticed. Well done.
07-01-22 02:08:31
LegoPrincess ::: Favorites
Merci Paris!
07-02-13 00:24:44
capcartoonist ::: Favorites
So, that bimbo in the vid... Is that Paris Hilton or Paris France?
07-02-21 10:03:25
erdal0 ::: Favorites
i didnt knew paris was tight like that
07-03-14 22:02:16
hawleysmoots ::: Favorites
i LOVE that song! nice choice:)
07-04-12 21:20:31

Seat Ibiza al limite !!!!!!

Duration: 03:07 minutes
Upload Time: 06-06-21 07:45:12
User: mrsharm
:::: Favorites

Está en aleman, le dan caña a un Ibiza

Barrabar ::: Favorites
que asco, es TDI
06-11-28 15:53:40
kaNe66806630 ::: Favorites
que caña le van a dar a esa caca¿
07-01-17 11:40:05
Xabimmm ::: Favorites
Es un buen coche
07-02-01 12:31:39
hirohitotrave ::: Favorites
mirar el video de del saxo test y luego ablais los defensores de la gasolina
07-04-05 16:51:57
GerarDSC ::: Favorites
Que prueben un Cupra (Tdi o no, da iwal) y que le den lija... No un TDi normal...
07-05-17 09:59:31
hectorejf ::: Favorites
verda Asco un Diesel,
07-05-28 09:42:54
hiltirafa ::: Favorites
yo tengo el gasolina y el diesel y tienen diferentes caracteristicas, de todas formas como se nota que el coche no es suyo
07-07-05 18:51:31
iagoneng ::: Favorites
jajaja lo mismo digo
07-08-29 08:48:06

17 Rallye Vila Joiosa - Video 18

Duration: 00:9 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-27 14:27:22
User: alpera
:::: Favorites

17 Rallye Vila Joiosa - Video 18

17 Rallye Vila Joiosa - Video 6

Duration: 00:4 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-27 08:57:36
User: alpera
:::: Favorites

17 Rallye Vila Joiosa - Video 6

Royston Drenthe Frist Goal with Real Madrid

Duration: 00:56 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-26 04:30:06
User: mssaferkano
:::: Favorites

super Gaol in his fist Match with Madrid

linda2011 ::: Favorites
yea they're gonna love him.. loved him during europian championship under 21 this year. great player! congratz royston!
07-08-26 16:22:59

Boeing 737-800 de China Airlines se incendio en Okinawa

Duration: 00:54 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-20 12:51:37
User: asiteveo
:::: Favorites

El Boeing de la China Airlines, que acabada de arribar de Taipei, al parecer se incendió por una fuga de combustible.

As One Guantanamo Bay

Duration: 01:28 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-19 03:12:01
User: wallyworld
:::: Favorites

Party like it's 2001!

Chillart ::: Favorites
I didn't see this,thanks... I'm not going to begin on how angry I am at Hick's treatment.Thanks for posting this.(just found your site)
07-03-27 19:25:11
nicholas9999 ::: Favorites
done and done! ignore mine as well!
07-03-22 21:36:15
wallyworld ::: Favorites
Yeah but they only got Al Capone for tax evasion. ;-) (BTW ignore my nasty comeback on the other thread)
07-03-22 04:18:29
marquisdejolie ::: Favorites
Free food? Free drugs? Free shelter? No 9 to five? No bills? I'm in!
07-03-21 22:14:33
nicholas9999 ::: Favorites
marq: An interesting hypothesis!! In general, we hate our criminals, but presumably want our prisoners treated humanely. The absolutely one thing a politician must do in the U.S. is to at least make a pretense of being tough on crime.
07-03-21 21:44:35
wallyworld ::: Favorites
For five years - he's loving it. Has petitioned the Australian government not to interfere so he can enjoy another five years hospitality at Club Guantanamo Bay. Apparently the food is to die for.
07-03-20 02:33:47
coloursepia ::: Favorites
wow very interesting
07-03-19 23:46:44
NutCheese ::: Favorites
That looks big compared to the apartments here in San Francisco. Did you say they sedated him? A free room AND free drugs? How do I sign up for this?
07-03-19 13:55:22
marquisdejolie ::: Favorites
No really. Someone did a study. Self sacrifice and spartanism are not dominate American culture traits. Self interest and greed are.
07-03-19 09:43:18
marquisdejolie ::: Favorites
Because Americans relate better to criminals than to soldiers.
07-03-19 09:37:53

A-10 Firerange

Duration: 03:16 minutes
Upload Time: 07-02-13 08:04:06
User: cuarecrap
:::: Favorites

test targeting the A-10 gattling gun

zachhcazdude ::: Favorites
because its made for taking out ground targets, not other aircraft
07-08-26 12:45:33
zachhcazdude ::: Favorites
colloradoballer2006 it wouldn't stand a chance against an f-18. or in that case, any modern fighter.
07-08-26 12:44:44
lazarotupas ::: Favorites
the philippines needs 36 A10s for close air support in its counter insurgency operations and naval patrol for would be intruder aircraft and naval craft.
07-08-22 10:52:01
coloradoballer2006 ::: Favorites
even though it was made for close air support, i bet they would kick a f-18's ass
07-08-20 00:04:10
commandersting ::: Favorites
hahahaa yup u got that spot on
07-08-19 09:12:39
YOUSHOTME4S2 ::: Favorites
This isnt even a plane... This is a chain of 1200 unguided anti tank missiles........ With wings....
07-08-19 05:48:28
YOUSHOTME4S2 ::: Favorites
Lol Silent but deadly!!!
07-08-19 05:47:01
zachhcazdude ::: Favorites
does anyone else think that it sounds like the plane is farting when they fire that gun?
07-08-18 20:55:50
aveclageorge ::: Favorites
the A10 is a beautiful plane
07-08-10 16:24:05
cheapmovies9P ::: Favorites
Hehe did you see the Eagle in the Gun Funnel? lol
07-07-25 18:45:30

Eto'o vs Real Sociedad

Duration: 01:11 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-06 07:52:17
User: barcelonho1
:::: Favorites

encorelui2 ::: Favorites
Pourqoui il fait le tour du terrain en esquivant tts ses partenaires pour aller saluer Valdes??
07-05-08 22:58:41
nachaatinho ::: Favorites
parcequ'il la deja en interview .. il a dit : a chaque but, on est 10 joueurs a feter le but dés corner, et valdes le féte tout seul derriere en levant juste les bras .. il a voulu aller a valdes :)
07-05-10 06:47:23
finalio ::: Favorites
Etoo cabron saluda campeon
07-07-13 11:14:31

Zinedine Zidane play football with son`s (Enzo, Luca, Theo)

Duration: 03:15 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-16 10:15:35
User: Yanooosh
:::: Favorites

Zinedine Zidane play football with son`s (Enzo, Luca, Theo)

paszyzm ::: Favorites
very nice:)
07-08-21 06:22:36
mrionly ::: Favorites
i love it, good family clip 10 stars.
07-08-21 20:23:41

Touré à Barcelona

Duration: 00:25 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-25 10:23:01
User: barcelonho1
:::: Favorites

Ismojayz ::: Favorites
Go boy! the one of the best young mildfielder in da world! Ivory Voast rules!
07-06-26 12:54:30
winterferumsuk ::: Favorites
07-06-26 13:59:16
newak47 ::: Favorites
Un CRACK, aquest home ens donara moltes alegries junt amb tots el altres jugadors de la plantilla. ES EL NOU VIEIRA, nomes te 23 anys y el seu futur en el barça promet molt, jo abans ja deia que l'equip que l'aconseguis fichar tindria un fora de serie per els proxims 6-7 anys. ENHORABONA AL BARÇA I ENHORABONA A TOURE PER HAVER ESCOLLIT AQUEST GRAN CLUB!
07-06-26 18:58:44
edissabaredzovic18 ::: Favorites
welcome to barca yaya!!! we wish you all the best
07-06-27 14:20:57
jjacek21 ::: Favorites
barcelon będzi miala z niego porzytek jak będzie grać ta jak w monako
07-06-28 08:41:21
albabily ::: Favorites
yaya u r welcom by Barcelona Barca is the best
07-07-04 16:41:11

Video Noelia

Duration: 02:57 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-27 06:06:39
User: wallyworld
:::: Favorites

Bloody hell! You seen the number of views on this? Nearly half a million. This is a clip of the Puerto Rican singer who's made a name for herself by having a Sex Tape released (leaked?) on the net. To coincide with the release of a new album perhaps? The link to The Tape is here - And the latest statement from Noelia about the (disgraceful) Video is here along with a shot of the MAXIM cover -

jackbollocks12345 ::: Favorites
07-07-13 04:17:11
gracielamcclerk1 ::: Favorites
Tienes toda la razon...todos tenemos cola que nos pisen...pero como dice el dicho "la Zorra nunca se ve su Cola"
07-07-12 21:31:13
wallyworld ::: Favorites
You said it - frigging Peurto Ricans are spamming my arse nonstop.
07-07-12 05:07:12
jackbollocks12345 ::: Favorites
Comments gone to mierda here hahahahah
07-07-12 03:40:30
alvesrocha ::: Favorites
07-07-08 11:07:30
albertolucas3 ::: Favorites
por que critican a una mujer teniendo sexo? acaso no todas las mujeres y hombres lo hacen?? Porfavor reserven sus comentarios
07-07-07 06:29:10
VANCE8HINES ::: Favorites
Se parece a Britney Spears. Es muy hermosa.
07-07-05 21:35:29
jackbollocks12345 ::: Favorites
hahahaha mierda commenta LOL
07-07-04 04:15:26
ydlanzitro ::: Favorites
es que a la verdad que tiene una cara de puta increible by the way alguien tiene la direccion correcta del video?
07-07-03 09:28:27
wallyworld ::: Favorites
que mierda commenta
07-07-01 19:11:35

The Complete Pro Tour Scene

Duration: 10:15 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-01 00:43:20
User: wizardsmtg
:::: Favorites

You don't have to be a pro to enjoy the Pro Tour -- take it from these players who came from all over the country to hang out, play in open events, and win cool prizes.

BRANDONZLOL ::: Favorites
John Rolf .
07-07-01 14:01:43
MMielke99 ::: Favorites
John Rolf is pretty much my best friend ever!!
07-07-01 17:19:39
BRANDONZLOL ::: Favorites
mikaela ;X
07-07-01 17:26:53
LonelyRollingStar ::: Favorites
07-07-04 00:04:48
agefest ::: Favorites
I wonder why Alex Mack was so chill...
07-07-06 23:28:56
TheGayBackstreetBoy ::: Favorites
Wish I was there...looked like fun
07-07-07 16:19:44

The Raclette Party

Duration: 02:50 minutes
Upload Time: 06-10-27 11:20:01
User: wallyworld
:::: Favorites

Aussies in Paris

katalina2007 ::: Favorites
Oh! A French lesson too! Goodie! I took Spanish...
07-02-14 16:52:54

Super Paper Mario Wii Trailer

Duration: 02:08 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-10 19:15:08
User: kingstevie2009
:::: Favorites
Description:, Brilliant new Super Paper Mario for the Wii video, with a mix of both 2D and 3D gameplay, this looks to be one of the best titles this year. Via

SEXBEACH2 ::: Favorites
grrr I hate buisness allways keep making more and more shit, like as if we cant be happy with anything oringinal assholes. when the heck they making it for game cube, let me guess never hahahahhaha assholes
07-08-29 12:37:56
slimebo ::: Favorites
übel. geht sau ab. los wii kaufen...
07-08-28 04:11:26
DeathSkull535 ::: Favorites
yeah sure, usually takin about the newest paper mario gives it away! DUMBASS
07-08-28 03:37:04
aurrorra ::: Favorites
sure buddy... sure.
07-08-27 19:03:30
DeathSkull535 ::: Favorites
as in paper mario 1 and 2! duh!
07-08-27 10:20:35
nedomick ::: Favorites
Just from seeing that movie it now convinceses me that the original was heaps better and cooler, anyone agree?
07-08-27 08:46:56
smashking6669 ::: Favorites
you play as luigi in smash bros melee and 64 and maybe brawl
07-08-27 06:14:10
nico023y393 ::: Favorites
Great movie. This site is pretty good for pretty girls - <B> _CAMSJUNGLE.COM_ </B> -nico023y393
07-08-27 03:21:49
aurrorra ::: Favorites
You said old games...
07-08-24 16:31:20
Lollic0pt3r ::: Favorites
thats wii
07-08-24 12:25:04

Malaga CF 07 08

Duration: 04:43 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-27 07:24:56
User: deivimalaga
:::: Favorites

Plantilla de este año :D

malacitano2007 ::: Favorites
no se para que tienes q poner mierdillano, biris en las etiquetas, malaga y nada mas
07-08-27 14:20:24
deivimalaga ::: Favorites
luego se les dice cerdillistas y no pasa nada :D
07-08-27 14:22:09

"You Really Got Me" Revisited

Duration: 03:05 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-03 17:48:38
User: wallyworld
:::: Favorites

Like The Zimmers? A mashed and smashed version of The Kinks song.

wallyworld ::: Favorites
Takes a while to load. Sorry about that Chief.
07-05-03 17:57:44
katalina2007 ::: Favorites
I love this song! Not sure about THIS version...too slow!
07-05-03 17:59:23
toothlessfatoveralls ::: Favorites
07-05-03 18:13:03
woosteria ::: Favorites
I like the way the faces and movement come across here. I'm not too keen on the slowed audio, but at normal speed the visuals wouldn't be nearly as cool.
07-05-04 08:41:07
sloyvenhaven ::: Favorites
Is this the one and only Les Miserable?
07-05-04 11:07:41
wallyworld ::: Favorites's his altoego
07-05-04 15:30:26
capcartoonist ::: Favorites
pyschodelic, man. or something similar. :D
07-05-06 06:44:15
finnmccool ::: Favorites
nice graphics...pity about the audio!
07-08-13 07:34:03

Phalanx (CIWS) Block 1B LPWS Testing and Firing

Duration: 01:12 minutes
Upload Time: 06-11-06 11:50:14
User: CIWS
:::: Favorites

Phalanx - This is the land based version of the Phalanx (CIWS) gun system built by Raytheon called the Land-Based Phalanx Weapons System or LPWS. It utilizes the Block 1B gun system with self-destruct rounds to destroy incoming mortar and artillery rounds. The Raytheon Phalanx CIWS was originally designed as a shipboard anti-missile defense system for shooting down incoming missiles and aircraft in the early 80s.

nated1941 ::: Favorites
hey could any one tell me the rate of fire? plz message me
07-08-29 22:45:48
DangerNinetynine ::: Favorites
You say that on every CIWS's videos, damn.
07-08-29 16:22:28
HonorandService ::: Favorites
every round is a tracer? thats kinda a waste, it also wears the barrel down
07-08-29 12:10:10
b1gbird001 ::: Favorites
the one at night is using full tracer ammunition.
07-08-29 10:24:14
Primorsky ::: Favorites
Bad news for americans. Phalanx is not best CIWS in the world ;)
07-08-26 04:47:29
Mareritt ::: Favorites
You are a dumb ass...this Phalanx systems is on every US Navy ship but about 4...I know because I've watched them being test fired on the NAVY SHIP I was on.
07-08-22 17:41:16
Mazryonh ::: Favorites
Imagine what CIWS could do if it was a laser instead. Much easier to aim! How about gyrojet rounds for a less high-tech solution? Since the rounds are actually rockets, they might have better range than normal bullets.
07-08-20 16:42:29
EddieHfromBottom ::: Favorites
CIWS is a last line od defence. If you are relying on Goalkeeper or Phalanx (and they have similar capability - GK just uses a 30mm GAU8 similar to the weapon on the A10) against 18 incoming vampires, then you are deep in it.
07-08-17 06:52:15
Pokekevin ::: Favorites
uhhh that system is used by like every us navy ship
07-08-17 02:36:47
fusionstar916 ::: Favorites
It depends where you are fighting. Jungle = AK 47, Urban = M16. Stop playing counter strike.
07-07-29 19:41:08

Re: Play Along With Metropolis!

Duration: 04:46 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-26 05:59:39
User: wallyworld
:::: Favorites

Worst song ever! (but great guitar from Metropolis)

DoctorMetropolis ::: Favorites
wow, Malkie, I never knew you could write like that! Excellent!!thank you!
07-04-26 10:47:05
wallyworld ::: Favorites
You on the crack again?
07-04-26 11:25:00
DoctorMetropolis ::: Favorites
07-04-26 13:10:44
wallyworld ::: Favorites
Did you like my backing group "The Crickets"?
07-04-26 13:26:14
wallyworld ::: Favorites
Hi Martlar!
07-04-26 13:27:53
DoctorMetropolis ::: Favorites
Crickets? I thought they were audio glitches rubbing their legs together.
07-04-26 14:12:31
jackbollocks12345 ::: Favorites
07-04-27 04:59:24
MannyBei ::: Favorites
Malkie, I thought you were better than Shatner but I'm sure Nutcheese would take offense with your singing. Anyway, what did you do with the money?
07-04-27 21:38:52
violettfem ::: Favorites
The Crickets ate my eardrums. You were ok, but get rid of the damn crickets, they are holding you back! ~Vi
07-05-05 08:16:11

Maria da Graça Mello - Ensaio Sensual Boxe

Duration: 02:43 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-21 17:39:49
User: bloggermgm
:::: Favorites

Ensaios sensuais da Maria da Graça Mello. Veja na integra no site:

a concise history of lurve - part 4

Duration: 14:05 minutes
Upload Time: 06-06-02 18:21:52
User: wallyworld
:::: Favorites

Mucking around on iMac's iMovie and Quicktime Pro. 14 minutes. Starts with opera and ends with hard rock.


Duration: 03:14 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-13 13:41:02
User: setp
:::: Favorites


DeakonF ::: Favorites
Enhorabuena por el video. Osti ... como era la cancion que la tengo por ahi y no me acuerdo,jeje. Vaya susto entrando manfre por encima en los goles, tenias que haberle bajao 3 tonos, que se come el ritmo del video,jeje. Ye broma, ta muy guay. Puxa sporting.
07-03-23 11:05:59
setp ::: Favorites
La cancion "Baltimora" de Tarzan Boy o "kiwi melon"
07-04-06 08:37:13
siempresportinguista ::: Favorites
07-07-06 08:21:27