Attention Update!!! NEW! President!!!! The prophecy has been fulfilled!!!! Tom Monson 16th LDS President!!!! Congratulations Tom!!!
(I Gazelam Ale Prophesize that Thomas S. Monson will be called to be the new L.D.S. President!!! On 2-4-08!)
Gordon B. Hinckley Dead! 1-27-08 7:00pm!
I, Gazelam Ale Prophet Seer and Revelator of The Guild of the First Born and the Bornless One, The Latter-day Order of Ahman (the Mormons)
Prophesize in the name of Ahamn that Thomas S. Monson will be the next president of the L.D.S. Church! The Anti-Mormon!
The LDS Church has made "Mormon" a bad word, a word that at one time we were never to be ashamed of, and that we (true Mormons) should defend with our lives. No longer... such a peculiar people, the only current LDS revelations consist of editing and taking out things that won't fit into their sterile, lifeless, money making Frankenstein, that collects as many members and souls as it can get for its necro files. Gordon B Died Two months and 2 days after this prediction. That's more prophecy than GBH ever gave!
The Excommunication of Thomas S. Monson
In accordance to the evidence, the action must in necessity be taken, by the power invested in the true and living God! That from this day forth the so-called soon to be President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Thomas S. Monson has been cut off and removed and therefore excommunicated from the everlasting church of Christ, known in this dispensation, as The Latter-day Order of Ahman. Reason for Excommunication:
1.Apostasy, leading the children of Ahman further astray.
2. Making unholy union with the Kingdoms of this World.
3. Aiding in making the Apostolic Church, the wife of the Lamb, into the Mother of Harlots and abominations forcing her into whoredom; prostituting her sons and daughters in the form of missionary's throughout this earth.
4. Fulfilling Lehi's Dream by Over seeing and contributing to building the 1.4 million sq. foot Great and Spacious Building (The Conference Center, located at North Temple and Main SLC, Utah) the largest religious structure in the Americas. Known to us in the book of Mormon...
And the multitude of the earth was gathered together; and I beheld that they were in a large and spacious building, like unto the building which my father saw. And the angel of the Lord spake unto me again, saying: Behold the world and the wisdom thereof; yea, behold the HOUSE OF ISRAEL hath gathered together to fight against the twelve apostles of the Lamb. (1 Nephi 11:35)
That Lamb is Christ the Son, the (World and its wisdom) being the Conference gatherers, yes even the house of Israel, the LDS Church the Great Abdominal Church of these last days.
Therefore let it be known to every woman, man, and child, because of these abominations onto the Lord of the most high, Thomas S. Monson shall be turned over to the buffetings of Satan, their Priest crafts exposed for what thy are, these meat thirsting Master Mahan's hungry for their Sunday roast Beef dinners, be it known that the Monsonites are here forth expelled for eternity unto the ever and ever in the name Ahmansonahmansonsahman:.