Thursday, August 23, 2007


Duration: 06:35 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-05 14:14:23
User: applemilk1988
:::: Favorites

昨日ニューヨークから帰ったよ! フロリダの天気は暖かいのに素晴らしい!

8R8 ::: Favorites
07-07-03 21:08:49
redvalentine1 ::: Favorites
Please tell me what you gain from being a mean ass-hole? Are you gonnna post this on every Japanese-speaking American's video? And don't you mean "I LEARNED" not "learn"? Apparently you haven't mastered english yet. You might want to work on that...Ingnoramus
07-07-03 21:49:11
redvalentine1 ::: Favorites
NOTE: This letter is for that ass-hole Misosoup2.
07-07-03 21:51:01
0987123456 ::: Favorites
what speak english men chose japenese or english chose becose i dont like the remix
07-07-03 23:31:15
Element018 ::: Favorites
No shit. I hate people who hate on others who post vids of themselves speaking in a different language. It just personifies their ignorance.
07-07-04 08:48:16
EnigmaticPhilosophy ::: Favorites
I strongly agree with Element018. It's nice to know there are still some intelligent people left on Youtube.
07-07-05 04:55:38
tupacdkssmn ::: Favorites
07-07-05 11:59:11
troytroytroy99 ::: Favorites
what does tadaima mean???
07-07-18 05:09:54
Karlusss ::: Favorites
I hate people who hate people who hate people who post vids of themselves speaking in a different language. Not really. I need a better hobby.
07-07-31 10:49:55
pivotous ::: Favorites
everyone who hates this chick=asshole. everyone who does not hate this chick=asshole hater. this chick=awesome. me=about to kick yo' ass MOTHERFUCKER!!!!
07-08-02 00:33:21

TV Squad Daily with Brigitte: 04-19-07

Duration: 02:10 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-19 16:45:11
User: daisytree1
:::: Favorites

Today: American Idol finally booted off Sanjaya Malakar (I'm kind of sad, I'll miss the drama). Plus, easter eggs and analyzing from last night's episode of Lost.

matrix987 ::: Favorites
sanjaya just because he voted off he will be back
07-04-19 23:08:37
Briguy17 ::: Favorites
I agree with you about Sanjaya, I'll miss the drama but he needed to go. Thanks for pointing out some of the easter eggs too in LOST!
07-04-19 23:12:58
bethanymongoose ::: Favorites
hey, love the videos; just curious why they are starting to get shorter and shorter? Am i noticing a trend that with nicer weather comes shorter videos? ;) Colin
07-04-20 08:52:57
ithinkilikethis ::: Favorites
ahhh-i dont know what i will miss more--sanjaya or you talking about him.
07-04-20 13:17:13
djcap2001 ::: Favorites
hahaha your soo awesome.
07-04-20 22:38:11
ihavethat45 ::: Favorites
Love the ghost story clip! Hi-5*
07-04-21 11:45:34
blackhamster39 ::: Favorites
LMAO.. oh brig .. once again *(yay outside) and oh sanjia.. what a kid. I would have killed him to stay any longer. seriously. he is going to need massive therapy. and lost is so confusing if u haven't watched. maybe someday ill rent it all !
07-04-29 16:48:16
manonfire252525 ::: Favorites
great awesome i miss lost thanx for catchin me up
07-05-01 23:14:11

Show zvan privatizacija KIM-a u režiji HDZ-a

Duration: 06:53 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-20 16:36:41
User: cnnblogtv
:::: Favorites

U samo desetak dana privatizacija KIM-a pretvorila se u jednu od večih lakrdija HDZ-ove vladavine i bilo bi urnebesno smiješno da se ne radi o ljudima koji vode ovu zemlju u kojoj mi živimo. Polančec čvrsto stane iza odluke o prodaji Chemodermu, da bi ovaj samo nekoliko dana kasnije odustao, pa Polančec najavio novi natječaj, pa u međuvremenu Chemoderm odustao od odustajanja, pa da bi onda Polančec nagovorio Chemoderm da ipak odustane jer da je tako najbolje iako je Chemoderm bio najbolji ponuđač po Polančecu, pa da se na kraju više ne zna ni hoče li biti natječaja... pravi Muppet Show.

AndrejCF ::: Favorites
lopovi... neznam koliko cemo puta jos ovo prozivljavati
07-08-22 06:43:37
ALTernativac ::: Favorites
onoliko dugo koliko je potrebno da hrvatski narod ne nauči HDZovu lekciju... dajmo im još jedan mandat, pa da nam stvore 'rvacku kakvu bi svaki 'rvat želio - OPLJAČKANU
07-08-22 07:21:17
AndrejCF ::: Favorites
ali ovo stvarno postaje sve smjesnije i smjesnije, nevjerovatno sto mediji ne reagiraju vise i ne osudjuju ovako sto u vecim razmjerima. ovakve stvari se svode pod normalno kod nas, nitko ne reagira. digne se frka ako beyonce pokaze sisu na koncertu i slicno
07-08-22 09:05:43

TV Squad Daily with Brigitte: 05-09-2007

Duration: 01:10 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-09 20:31:45
User: daisytree1
:::: Favorites

Today: Paris Hilton's petition to stay out of jail will only sell t-shirts, Tom Sizemore is in trouble for drugs again, American Idol's Phil Stacey might miss the Idol tour if he's sent to iraq for the Navy. The full version of today's show is at Hey! the full version is over at

gljr1 ::: Favorites
True stuff with a funny twist. I love it.
07-05-09 21:37:12
decievingparodysm16 ::: Favorites
normal people should just BE THEMSELFS! and not depend on famous people to entertain them. free paris? the stupid bitch just needs to just go to jail like everyone else who screws up.
07-05-09 21:53:28
SilverStarFilms ::: Favorites
Do you write and produce these videos? You do a really great job if so. Even if not you do the rest great too! :)
07-05-09 23:34:34
razlika ::: Favorites
you are sexy :)
07-05-10 01:30:28
kingamaan ::: Favorites
haha your awesome. i'm gonna try to share this channel with my friends on youtube everyone who reads this should to.
07-05-10 05:09:25
blackhamster39 ::: Favorites
haha love it! *giggles* seriously, it is like slapping babies! DON"T DO IT ARNIE!
07-05-10 10:22:50
igdadriver ::: Favorites
Witty and funny. Brigitte is cool.
07-05-10 16:03:22
almalinda06 ::: Favorites
thanks =) After the first week of cut videos, i bookmarked the site, so i try to watch both versions everyday.
07-05-11 08:35:28
WileyCoyote69 ::: Favorites
Jail is hot! Why doesn't Paris know this? Hasn't she ever seen "Caged Heat"?
07-05-11 15:49:10
62rjr1110 ::: Favorites
too funny. Especially the part about the reasons paris should be pardoned.
07-05-12 00:42:13

Credo - Behind the Scenes trailer (Dir: Alex de Campi)

Duration: 03:06 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-13 18:48:39
User: alexdecampi
:::: Favorites

Footage shot by Alex de Campi for the "making of" for upcoming horror film Credo (, cut to a song by Evil Genius ( ). For more information on Alex, see

Happy Holidays from Brigitte and the "family"

Duration: 01:16 minutes
Upload Time: 06-12-23 19:37:15
User: daisytree1
:::: Favorites

Warning: this is really silly. It's not at all related to my daily entertainment news video blog. Happy Holidays and a big thank you to so many people this year.

Sammymc ::: Favorites
LOL. That was wonderful! Merry Christmas!
06-12-23 23:43:23
chante2rose ::: Favorites
06-12-24 06:25:51
deadkittytm ::: Favorites
LOL! You have a Chicken!!! Woop! And Those cats were very very cute...I wish My cats loved each other.
06-12-24 08:42:07
sandyny ::: Favorites
06-12-25 06:55:16
daisytree1 ::: Favorites
The chicken, Tillie, is a pet Bantam chicken I adopted from animal rescue and I've had her for about 5 years now. :)
06-12-25 14:20:34
rekinom ::: Favorites
After a tough week and challenging day this really lifted by spirits this is pure COMEDY thanks and happy Holidays:)
06-12-29 23:44:55
boneshk ::: Favorites
merry christmas Brigitte!
06-12-31 01:09:26


Duration: 04:52 minutes
Upload Time: 06-12-21 22:35:09
User: bijesprvi
:::: Favorites

Za mene je pitanje korupcije izazov a ne problem... tako kaze nas vrli premijer u Otvorenome - je li on muljator ili nije zakljucite sami

diope ::: Favorites
ja nemogu virovat da ima ljudi koji podrzvaju sanadera i hdz, to su ovce bez mozga
07-06-14 11:21:17
snuhr ::: Favorites
da imas korist od tog i ti bi :P a posto je nasa drzava totalna mafija onda se nemoj ni cudit sto hdz dobiva mandate...
07-06-17 19:27:59
rozmarko721 ::: Favorites
ma mama ti ima kontrolu nad situacijom...sanader je smrad!
07-06-18 09:59:58
utube085 ::: Favorites
Pa naravno.
07-07-02 05:13:24
crobox17 ::: Favorites
Bago je ružan novinar. Uopće koliko zna voditi emisiju a da ne povrijedi dostojanstvo sugovornika, njegov način razgovora u skladu je s balkanskim odgojem gdje je odrastao. Ko da je policajac! Holverka vrati se i obavi muški posao
07-07-03 08:57:02
bocephusZG ::: Favorites
a ti si glup ko kurac! kakve veze ima to kaj je ružan? pravi si HDZovac!
07-07-03 09:04:00
c0v1k ::: Favorites
Bago ne bi trebao biti predmet razgovora,ali Sanader je stvarno muljator i to treba naciju brinuti!
07-07-04 05:15:54
moonc4lf ::: Favorites
Bago ne jebe živu silu...boli ga kita za ovog se cijeni
07-07-14 12:09:59
marac9 ::: Favorites
kakvo dostojanstvo sanader uopce ima????????????
07-07-19 11:58:49
badface6 ::: Favorites
samranader je zlo
07-08-10 14:45:37

TV Squad Daily with Brigitte: 03-02-2007

Duration: 02:02 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-02 17:22:10
User: daisytree1
:::: Favorites

Today: The AP's ban on Paris Hilton news didn't last long, John Ratzenberger (Cliff from Cheers) will replace Vincent Pastore on Dancing with the Stars, and American Idol's new source of revenue: selling McDonald's, ice cream, candy bars and potato chips to kids.

kingamaan ::: Favorites
you rock my entertainment world, you can qoute me if ya want
07-03-02 19:05:41
daisytree1 ::: Favorites
Hey guys, so I got nominated for this "vlog off" over at valleywag . com. If you want to give me a vote it's the first story on Valleywag, the "Vlog Hot: Last Chance to Vote" , then I am in the category named "Glamazons, Heat 2". Silly, but I kind of want to not get beat too bad... :) Thanks if you do. And have a great weekend! ~Brigitte
07-03-03 12:26:23
WileyCoyote69 ::: Favorites
How dare Cliff ask people to use that other stupid name! Who cares about some guy named "John"? Cliffie is ours, public domain, not his own self! Dance, puppet, Dance! Muhahahaha!
07-03-03 01:59:32
DudeX01 ::: Favorites
Voted. You are much more witty than the 9.
07-03-03 15:58:21

BB8 Jen makes a racial comment about Asians

Duration: 00:51 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-01 04:45:08
User: capgirl2
:::: Favorites

August 1, 2007, about 1:00am Jen and Amber putting on facial masks...

demonica4 ::: Favorites
Um.. its Halloween.. Mike Myers.. Der...
07-08-10 01:43:35
sflorestal ::: Favorites
Not racist.
07-08-10 10:39:01
WalkerTexascorpse ::: Favorites
hows is that a racist comment. their little people with small faces,
07-08-11 13:39:07
Billybobs2729 ::: Favorites
that had nothing to do with racism!!! dont be dumb
07-08-18 20:04:11
MisterKuang ::: Favorites
uncle toms.
07-08-19 04:19:22
mdn45 ::: Favorites
not really racist >> maybe offensive to some ... maybe that's a fair statement that one's tricky
07-08-21 01:13:09
JuiicyCouture ::: Favorites
how is that racist? thats more like a comment to asians
07-08-22 03:29:29
nognilk ::: Favorites
ur right, it's not racist, She's reading the package and notice it's an asian imported product.
07-08-22 19:06:27
nognilk ::: Favorites
Or Friday the 13th with Jason. Duh!
07-08-22 19:07:10
aubriesweet4chatz ::: Favorites
One night stands and no strings sex at > FLINGDATINGSITE dot COM <
07-08-22 20:30:43

Carmen Electra dancing to ZZ Top "Legs" Guys Choice

Duration: 03:37 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-15 03:02:36
User: BigBrother8USA
:::: Favorites

Carmen Electra dancing to ZZ Top "Legs" at Guys Choice

Burkebf2 ::: Favorites
hahaha zz top did a good job job of focusing on the song and not the girls
07-06-20 10:37:46
cruze5 ::: Favorites
a tummy..... wth are you talking about shes a definate hottie
07-07-04 02:00:23
andirunsofar ::: Favorites
07-07-10 12:40:03
lost8888tsol ::: Favorites
ZZ top + sexy dancing = the fucking WIN
07-07-16 04:21:13
jbeach05 ::: Favorites
2 of the greatest things in the world. good old fashioned rock n roll and Carmen FUCKING Electra! woot!
07-07-17 19:22:08
nuda34 ::: Favorites
harikasınız aşklarım turkish man........
07-08-06 05:51:43
ponea ::: Favorites
Love ZZ Top. Chicks were just distracting
07-08-14 14:54:09
musicfan99999 ::: Favorites
meh. those girls aren't sexy IMO
07-08-17 09:03:27
crash1987e411 ::: Favorites
Hot video. Try <B> SUNNYFIRE DOT NET </B> for amazing cam girls -crash1987e411
07-08-22 09:40:17
antoniown ::: Favorites
are they brothers or twins or something related at all?
07-08-22 16:27:24

Command & Conquer 3 TISCALI návod - GDI brutal

Duration: 05:01 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-05 15:00:48
User: jaydeetiscali
:::: Favorites


SPRTN79 ::: Favorites
Dude, seriously...
07-06-20 21:08:54
joefx69 ::: Favorites
07-06-24 20:27:09
paulwatf4321 ::: Favorites
Build order is WRONG WRONG WRONG Crane first then power plus refinary.
07-07-11 08:02:34
myungiee ::: Favorites
he's going for a rush though which means he needs a barracks fast
07-08-18 15:20:17

Carrie Underwood- 'So Small' Audio (On DFTRM Video)

Duration: 04:34 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-30 20:03:22
User: sukiesoya
:::: Favorites

Carrie Underwood's new single 'So Small' on her video for 'Don't Forget To Remember Me'. New album out 23rd October.

iloveawesomemusic ::: Favorites
she sould so comeout with a video before this song drops
07-08-14 02:33:34
Jadekt14 ::: Favorites
So Small ended the week at #17 on Billboard/R&R and #18 on Mediabase/Country Aircheck.
07-08-14 17:59:04
kaylanc94 ::: Favorites
excuse me some people like to think about other things than just LAID!!!!!your the one who should be the one who gets a life
07-08-15 09:49:30
iheartmusick ::: Favorites
If you knew the way he talked to me or the comments he said on other videos, you would say the same shit. Now take your nose out of something that is not your buisness.
07-08-15 12:41:28
pcd101fan ::: Favorites
i bet your just jellious cause you cant sing
07-08-15 17:30:55
heykellie ::: Favorites
No this is not sick.Actually she needs one and she need to have some plastic surgury on her face as well.
07-08-20 06:19:03
Jadekt14 ::: Favorites
So small moved up to #14 on mediabase :)
07-08-20 13:47:14
Jadekt14 ::: Favorites
So small moved up to #14 on mediabase :)
07-08-20 13:49:20
Jadekt14 ::: Favorites
So Small moves up to #10 on mediabase
07-08-22 02:55:32
10hockeygirl10 ::: Favorites
*Pulls out hair* WHY IS EVERYONE FIGHTING ON HERE!!!! iF SOME PERSON THINKS CARRIE SUCKS IGNORE THEM!!!! IT'S THEIR STUPID OPINION...I personally love Carrie but uhh it makes me so mad that people are fighting over is she's cool or something. Seriously guys just ignore certain people who have nothing better to do. Not saying any names.......please?
07-08-22 15:15:03

GP Tell in der Luzerner Altstadt

Duration: 03:16 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-22 16:10:01
User: ZischNews
:::: Favorites

Am Abend des 22. August startete in Luzern der Prolog des GP Tell. U23-Radrennfahrer fegten bei beachtlichtem Publikumsauflag durch die Altstadt. Bei Start/Ziel beim Luzerner Theater sorgte derweil eine Coverband für die richtige Stimmung. Besinnlichere und leisere Töne angeschlagen wurden bei den kostenlosen Platzkonzerten anlässlich des Lucerne Festivals, die zur selben Zeit stattfanden.

TV Squad Daily with Brigitte: 02-22-2007 (with sound! ) :)

Duration: 02:09 minutes
Upload Time: 07-02-22 18:31:10
User: daisytree1
:::: Favorites

Today: The new celebrity constestants of Dancing with the Stars was officially released, and there are a couple surprises. Plus, what we learned (and didn't learn) on last night's "three big answers" episode of Lost.

Celebrating a Year of Change

Duration: 08:14 minutes
Upload Time: 06-06-08 11:46:52
User: bravenewfilms
:::: Favorites

Wake-Up Wal-Mart celebrates the growth of the movement to change Wal-Mart to be a better corporate citizen.

imagineart ::: Favorites
Holy Crap!! Geez I hate WalMart anyway...All they are missing is live chickens running around the store...
07-01-07 15:03:10
ttty2t1j3 ::: Favorites
well, they do have mallrats running around on their food, does that count?
07-04-02 22:44:45

BB8 USA - Big Brother Jen Running And Swimming work out

Duration: 02:19 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-10 00:09:38
User: BigBrother8USA
:::: Favorites

work it for the camera

fliptop7701 ::: Favorites
Did she shop in the toddler section for every suit she has? Showing that much all the time is not sexy, just trashy.
07-07-25 18:12:00
sublimex2c ::: Favorites
she is soooooo fuckin hot, the hottest girl on bb8, danelle is way too skinny, jessica has an annoyin ass voice. i want to fuck the hell out of jen.
07-07-29 18:52:48
BADDOGM ::: Favorites
i want to fuck her
07-08-01 22:53:41
8394147 ::: Favorites
Damn, she makes me feel like I need to go run for 24 miles too! Yum.
07-08-02 06:55:35
sexylund4u ::: Favorites
curvatious stfu , i wanna cum in her shes so fuckin hot
07-08-02 18:53:20
toucansam3 ::: Favorites
Where is the BB house?
07-08-08 11:32:43
Blueracer ::: Favorites
I luv Jen. She is so HOT!
07-08-09 00:47:21
staralstar ::: Favorites
Notice Jen has not cheapened her body with tatoos... She is a natural beauty...
07-08-11 17:29:04
staralstar ::: Favorites
Let's face it, no pun intended, she has the face for a TV show. She is a natural...
07-08-11 17:30:01
damewtf ::: Favorites
07-08-16 12:45:19

PopCrunch The Show - Episode 5

Duration: 04:34 minutes
Upload Time: 06-08-07 01:51:13
User: daisytree1
:::: Favorites

A daily video blog covering celebrity gossip and entertainment news.

beanie1816 ::: Favorites
I like your commentary on current caleb news. I am on the Jessica Simpson side everyone knows in hollywood that nick was cheating on Jessica for awhile. Here is a good site to get the truth about hollywood Jessica's dumb act is just an act it was a marketing ploy her father is the one that came up with it knowing it would get press. Jessica was the one to pick the famous comments. Oh and Crusie and Travolta are gay. :)
06-08-07 06:17:37
rochitam ::: Favorites
u are so right, about jess and the gay actors. travolta too?? i was sure about cruise but john?? buu i really like him, without the cientology crap.. great work brigtt. keep on, i am having so much fun with your shows...
06-09-11 18:21:59
kinacker ::: Favorites
I really like your show... very entertaining! Keep it up!
06-08-07 14:59:40
puffybaby ::: Favorites
PLEASE DON'T READ THIS. You will get kissed on the nearest possible Friday by the love of your life. Tomorrow will be the best day of your life. However, if you don't post this comment to at least 3 videos, you will die within 2 days. Copy and paste this, to be saved
07-03-31 01:22:36
sokjegirl01 ::: Favorites
I really like your show:D can I just ask something? how come it says that this vid has been added on August 6th and you say it's august 7th? LoL
07-04-03 12:14:33
zeidar ::: Favorites
Heya! Although I'm not much of a celebrity fan, I really like your videos. They're funny but I doubt I'd watch them if it wasn't for you, you are a very gorgeous girl and I just love your voice. Keep posting :>
07-05-06 07:45:51

Camera Test 1: Tricity Vogue (Dir: Alex de Campi)

Duration: 02:37 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-13 17:55:18
User: alexdecampi
:::: Favorites

Performance by Tricity Vogue ( ). Directed by Alex de Campi. Filmed by DP Guy Routledge on an Aaton LTR using Kodak 7218 stock. 1st AD: Maud Young. Live sound recording and mixing by Chris Found ( ). Neg dev & TK by Todd-AO. With thanks to the RVT and Dusty Limits.

tricityvogue ::: Favorites
Thanks, Alex! You've made me look much better than I do in real life... love and cheeky jazz Tricity xxx
07-08-16 06:14:59
FDG12WER ::: Favorites
Gee, don't think I'll get me no sleep tonite either after watching this hot babe. Phwoor!!!
07-08-16 10:26:32
paulwady ::: Favorites
What lips, what words, what luck... Its the beginnings of world domination. Go Tricity! X
07-08-22 14:50:58


Duration: 02:41 minutes
Upload Time: 06-10-04 18:32:34
User: bijesprvi
:::: Favorites

Ako moze lagati Macek zasto ne bi i Polancec. Sami pogledajte sto je govorio prije nekoliko mjeseci o prodaji dionica Plive

emigrant67 ::: Favorites
svi ste lopovi
06-10-24 18:32:18
dzarna ::: Favorites
dobri decki.
07-01-13 17:53:36

TV Squad Daily with Brigitte: 04-10-07

Duration: 03:38 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-10 15:57:45
User: daisytree1
:::: Favorites

Today: Blegh - icy April showers! Ryan Seacrest wants Jordin Sparks to win American Idol (so much for the objective host) Jason Wahler of Laguna Beach arrested again and Hollywods double standards, and a paid extra is suing after biffing it down the stairs on Deal or No Deal.

Combs84 ::: Favorites
Wow just found all your videos, cutest person on here for sure! I'm gonna watch them all muawhaha
07-05-02 11:45:14
140brad ::: Favorites
"get a good education or fall easy" Brilliant! Keep it up Brigitte!
07-05-02 12:44:18
curlt504 ::: Favorites
I watched this whole video and didn't hear a thing you said. Your too beautiful. ps(this is not creepy)
07-05-02 23:29:32
JamesWorldStudios ::: Favorites
you only wished you had a tv station. Brifhitte
07-05-18 19:26:34
evilpanda2407 ::: Favorites
very pretty eyes...just can sink into them
07-05-25 16:56:42
metalinmybrain ::: Favorites
blah blah blah blah and oh yeah some more blah....... Ciao from Italy~
07-05-30 02:21:16
dhindo21p534 ::: Favorites
Try CAMZNOW DOT COM for pretty camgirls
07-07-04 00:00:16
arleneabaltimore ::: Favorites
Find a fun fling today at DAYFLING dot COM
07-08-18 07:49:16
likkleplaya ::: Favorites
now if you stared reading this dont stop its really scarey!ok send this to five other videos in 143 minutes.When you are done press F6 and your crushes name will apear on the screen in big letters this is weird because it does work.If you break this chance you wont have a crush in the next five years
07-08-18 15:44:00
mak123b353 ::: Favorites
Youtube isnt good for adult stuff. I like the website <B> _SUNNYFIRE.NET_ </B>
07-08-22 12:13:46