Thursday, October 11, 2007

よーし、信じる この街を

Duration: 04:15 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-20 07:22:06
User: KAMEHAME0707
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farenopusizu ::: Favorites
07-09-23 21:10:14
geba2 ::: Favorites
07-09-05 10:25:38
egaega ::: Favorites
07-08-30 11:46:03

Katie Sings Christmas

Duration: 05:22 minutes
Upload Time: 06-12-21 23:55:12
User: katiesopinion
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ok so i don't know EVERY word


klwewf ::: Favorites
Only a gorgeous blond could make me watch this thing-LOL I feel like such a tool!
07-10-10 19:13:12
bridoggydog ::: Favorites
You are so beautiful and entertaining.I could watch your videos all day long
07-09-30 17:31:14
OverDaFence ::: Favorites
A high "whiney" voice is not perceived to be one of authority. In fact, a high soft voice can make you sound like prey to an aggressive inmate who is out to make her career at the expense of some one like you Whatever you do obey the law stay out of prison
07-08-05 23:23:47
MEGARA2009 ::: Favorites
You know more of the words than I do
07-07-14 01:44:15
sexyboy316 ::: Favorites
07-07-11 20:22:22
mmffxx ::: Favorites
ok, i gave you 5 stars, good effort.. ;-)
07-07-10 19:30:13
poohcalinga1234 ::: Favorites
07-07-07 12:21:12
84Eclectic ::: Favorites
How could you make people watch this?
07-07-05 18:54:58
MEGARA2009 ::: Favorites
You should learn the words. lol. I thought it was funny.
07-06-30 11:06:07
castorooo91 ::: Favorites
07-06-28 22:45:51


Duration: 10:47 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-04 07:09:43
User: KAMEHAME0707
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爆弾! #14★平成19年9月4日 放送★/其一。 第14回:【186kg爆弾!】弁護士南出が法体系のねじれを斬る! ゲスト:南出喜久治(弁護士)


Duration: 08:49 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-05 07:40:17
User: KAMEHAME0707
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報道ワイド日本 -平成19年9月4日号 ゲスト:山田吉彦(日本財団 広報チームリーダー) キャスター:三輪和雄・桜林美佐 ■ 日本海呼称問題の危うい現状 - 山田吉彦氏に聞く 海洋事情にお詳しい山田吉彦氏をお迎えし、先月下旬に行われた国連地名標準会議で韓国と北朝鮮が相次いで「日本海」と「東海」の併記を求めたほか、「Google Earth」などでも「東海」表記が見られるようになるなど、様々な場面で表面化しつつある日本海呼称問題の危うい現状と日本の取るべき対応について、お話を伺います。

河野洋平・村山富市を訴える! ・4-1

Duration: 08:00 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-08 09:35:38
User: KAMEHAME0707
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報道ワイド日本 「フライデー」 -平成19年9月7日号 キャスター:山際澄夫・児玉千洋 ◆ゲストコーナー 河野洋平・村山富市を訴える! - 諸橋茂一氏に聞く

He's Just Not That Into You

Duration: 06:16 minutes
Upload Time: 06-08-21 02:17:01
User: katiesopinion
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Katie reviews the popular book. "He's Just Not That Into You"


starbrite27 ::: Favorites
Funny, I've always done the "do not answer" trick. Greg got my money too.....
07-10-07 04:48:17
blondebeauty27 ::: Favorites
cool. I LOVE your videos. I've watched like all of them and ur friggin HILARIOUS!!! How do you come up with this stuff????
07-10-01 20:50:40
nataliet ::: Favorites
07-10-01 02:59:55
XugaXuga88 ::: Favorites
Im a girl, but I know exactly how you feel. I haven't been cheated on, but I have been through a tough break up, it sucked ass, and it has taken a huge toll on my self esteem. You cant blame one gender for causing heart break. It happens to everyone
07-09-03 21:08:32
lastresrt ::: Favorites
if you remove the words like and fuck this video would be about 2 minute long and wow she has some real anger issues towards men big time. To put all men in the same mold is so close minded and ignorent. I have been cheated on and dumped to a point i had some real self esteem issues i had to go see a counselor for many years and guess what i am a guy. cheating is not a gender issues its a human one and every one has had it happen at least once.
07-08-30 12:59:58
brandenpunk11 ::: Favorites
humans are fuckers
07-07-25 16:07:57
brandenpunk11 ::: Favorites
wow . . . tooo much anger toward guys hun, you need to get a grip on life and understand that its not just the guys that do this. Your thinking too 1 sided. Girls cheat just as much as guys . . . but girls make a bigger fuss about it, guys hold it in.
07-07-25 16:07:00
bodygoodas ::: Favorites
ooooooohhhhhh mmmyyy gggoooodd!!!! thats likkkeee sooo kooooll
07-07-13 19:13:19
XugaXuga88 ::: Favorites
I'm sure Greg has gotten his heart broken before too. Who hasn't?
07-07-03 02:42:10
mrsdicaprio23 ::: Favorites
she says fuck a bunch it just kind of makes her sound like she is trying to be all hardcore
07-06-30 00:16:22

安倍改造内閣の在り方 - 高市早苗氏に聞く・3-2

Duration: 07:13 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-06 04:57:26
User: KAMEHAME0707
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報道ワイド日本 -平成19年9月5日号 ゲスト:高市早苗氏(自民党衆議院議員) キャスター:小山和伸・鈴木邦子


Duration: 02:22 minutes
Upload Time: 07-10-06 08:29:17
User: KAMEHAME0707
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報道ワイド日本 「フライデー」 -平成19年10月05日号 ★平成19年10月5日 放送★ キャスター:山際澄夫・児玉千洋 ゲスト:堤堯(ジャーナリスト)

Get the f*** out of my office - German Minister

Duration: 02:34 minutes
Upload Time: 07-10-09 11:59:30
User: Zardoch
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More bloody awful "comedy" from Pia Haraldsen. A polar bear in a zoo in Germany was a huge success with the tourists, so she visi More bloody awful "comedy" from Pia Haraldsen. A polar bear in a zoo in Germany was a huge success with the tourists, so she visited the German government and the Environment Secretary.


joewm315 ::: Favorites
*yawn* Maybe this is funnier in the original language. It doesn't translate well.
07-10-11 05:33:20
ReinerTorheit ::: Favorites
He should have kicked the whore's camera on the floor as he left.
07-10-11 05:13:44
anigma68 ::: Favorites
having spent a considerable amount of time in BDR i know why he should be offended.the german people on the whole would rather not be reminded of the destruction 1 man brought on their country.they try desperately to live it down.everyone makes mistakes.should people be resposible for things that happened before they were born? i saw a man blow his brains out-nothing funny about that!was ist los?
07-10-11 04:30:22
AlanHC40 ::: Favorites
That guy is not in the German government
07-10-11 04:22:41
TheUlser ::: Favorites
Germans are so damn touchy when it comes to the term "racism", especially "Nazism". See this dude reacts the second the word comes up. Well, I guess I as well would be on a small guilt-trip if my country murdered millions of jews and other ethnics some 60 years ago.. Try and answer this question: Who's your favorite german comedian?
07-10-11 03:27:43
lemfjeset ::: Favorites
Hvilken amatør har laget dette klippet? er jo ikke synkronisert for fem flate øre, ergo det blir ikke morsomt, selv om det i utgangspunktet er det...
07-10-11 02:55:43
bruenech ::: Favorites
Legendarisk! :)
07-10-11 02:19:52
noahflint ::: Favorites
i don't know... i don't think it's funny at all - who laughs about stuff like that? whoever made this video doesn't seem to have enough brains to create good comedy ...and since racism was mentioned in the vid - well i think to portray germans like that and play on such a terrible stereotype is rather racist, unfair and hate producing. I met germans and they were not at all like that ...actually quite the opposite.
07-10-11 01:35:01
QuestionAuthority123 ::: Favorites
TrueWorldHistory dot com Overview of America America: Freedom to Fascism Zeitgeist Money Masters Educate yourself and others!
07-10-10 23:58:09
r0ck3tsm0k3 ::: Favorites
Best comment ever.
07-10-10 23:05:53


Duration: 05:09 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-26 07:29:14
User: KAMEHAME0707
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Duration: 10:04 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-24 09:35:08
User: KAMEHAME0707
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日本よ、今...闘論!倒論!討論!2007 【どうなる?安倍以降の日本の行方 キャスター大討論 】(1) / 3 ≪総裁選に関連しての討論≫ ★平成19年9月22日 放送★ パネリスト:  児玉千洋(「報道ワイド日本」金曜日キャスター)  桜林美佐(「報道ワイド日本」火曜日キャスター)  鈴木邦子(「報道ワイド日本」水曜日キャスター)  高森明勅(「報道ワイド日本」木曜日キャスター)  富岡幸一郎(「報道ワイド日本」金曜日キャスター)  西村幸祐(「報道ワイド日本」金曜日キャスター)  芳賀優子(「報道ワイド日本」木曜日キャスター)  三輪和雄(「報道ワイド日本」火曜日キャスター) 司会:水島総


Duration: 10:40 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-05 08:31:14
User: KAMEHAME0707
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今日の自衛隊 -平成19年9月3日号 キャスター:井上和彦・片桐のり子 ■ アルバム「矜恃」に込めた日本への思い - AreiRaise、沙saori織に聞く 満を持してのアルバム「矜恃」を今年8月15日にリリースした AreiRaise(英霊来世)の斉藤"七生報国"俊介氏とムック"五穀豊穣"モノノフスキー・雅人氏、そして豊島"桜花爛漫"沙織氏をお迎えし、アルバムから「矜恃(平成十九年度版)」「防人~あなたがいるから~」「まもるべきもの」「九段」をご紹介しながら、それぞれが世に出た際のエピソードや込めた思いなどについて


Duration: 08:21 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-26 05:04:59
User: KAMEHAME0707
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日本よ、今...闘論!倒論!討論!2007 【どうなる?安倍以降の日本の行方 キャスター大討論 】(3) / 3 ★平成19年9月22日 放送★ パネリスト:  児玉千洋(「報道ワイド日本」金曜日キャスター)  桜林美佐(「報道ワイド日本」火曜日キャスター)  鈴木邦子(「報道ワイド日本」水曜日キャスター)  高森明勅(「報道ワイド日本」木曜日キャスター)  富岡幸一郎(「報道ワイド日本」金曜日キャスター)  西村幸祐(「報道ワイド日本」金曜日キャスター)  芳賀優子(「報道ワイド日本」木曜日キャスター)  三輪和雄(「報道ワイド日本」火曜日キャスター) 司会:水島総