Tuesday, July 31, 2007

HUMMER Tire blowup

Duration: 54 seconds
Upload Time: 07-02-03 17:04:38
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How to change tires...

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craigpetrie12 ::: Favorites
Um your are wrong sir, when you need to seat a bead in the bush, to recover your tire, this is the way to do it.................so dont say things about this, cause you dont know shit
07-05-20 00:40:26
tylus123 ::: Favorites
just because it works doesn't make it not stupid. most people have something called a spare. thats why it's there. as a spare in case you get a flat. dumbfuck
07-05-20 04:29:10
STUDENTDRIVER123 ::: Favorites
I changed all 4 tires ;-)
07-05-20 04:51:06
demonspore ::: Favorites
the 5-ton ans LVS tires are more fun, we used the ether for the cold start systems when we were in a bind
07-05-23 13:15:33
DRTYFN ::: Favorites
tylus123, obviously you have no idea that that is the way to reseat a tire without machinery. But what do you know? You have a POS Ford F150 that can't even do a proper power brake.
07-05-27 20:28:25
chuckrl ::: Favorites
I like you guys to tell that to the widow of a past friend of mine. He used this method to mount a tire for his truck. A week later, the tire blew out causing him to lose control. He was killed in the accident! NYDOT analyzed the tire and found the tire to be "internally over stressed by use of a propellant agent during tire/rim seating" (they found residue from the propellant). So please "think" before using a propellant of any kind to seat the bead on the rim. It's not a very smart move.
07-05-31 02:15:03
avenger007007 ::: Favorites
In an emergency situation if that is your only option then go for it, but in an urban setting, lock your doors and walk to a phone and call a to rig.
07-06-06 03:04:49
Zbar16 ::: Favorites
Check Out My Brand New Hummer @ Zbar16
07-06-17 14:52:03
MrHairyNutz ::: Favorites
Wow! That looks freaking k0ol-yet really ReALLy dangerous
07-06-18 13:40:52
OcalaFlorida ::: Favorites
no doubt man. I have a 1965 van with widow makers
07-07-29 00:06:36

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