Sunday, September 30, 2007

GDC: Official Super Mario Galaxy Trailer

Duration: 02:46 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-09 16:17:17
User: gamedaily
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Take a look at the highly anticipated "Super Mario Galaxy" for the Nintendo Wii from the gamer's perspective. There's no enemy too fierce or galaxy to large for Mario to cross to save the mushroom kingdom from disaster. The stunning visuals & unique game play makes this game Super Nova. Want to see more GDC & Gaming content? Please visit us at: ( & tell them YouTube sent you!


nintendobones ::: Favorites
cool but one question... why is he in space
07-09-24 14:08:16
FreshThoughts ::: Favorites
I'd say that's one example of the shortcoming. It's a question of Technology vs. Magic. It's a fine line to be sure. But Big Flying Bullets with Faces (Bullet Bills), The Ghosts, Flying Pirate Ships, Feathers that Give you a tale and ears and the power to fly, Poshions that create magic doorways... And then there's a a Water-Pump/Jet-Pack. The difference is clear enough.
07-09-20 13:40:41
acebladez97 ::: Favorites
no its problem was that it had a retarted talkin robt that looked like a goose on ur bak
07-08-28 22:37:45
FreshThoughts ::: Favorites
Somehow I feel Dr. Suess would love this Mario game :)
07-08-28 22:36:45
FreshThoughts ::: Favorites
Oops (probably = problem.)
07-08-28 22:35:39
FreshThoughts ::: Favorites
Sunshine's probably, in my experience, was that it lost the magic of Mario games with something more "real world" (a plane ride to a beach resort, a water pump device instead of magical powerups, etc etc.) You can't take the whimsical other-wordly from Mario and expect Mario to be what what he always has been. Magic.
07-08-28 22:35:08
acebladez97 ::: Favorites
sunshine was crap but i deffinitly want this
07-05-28 17:20:13
ThePenguineKing ::: Favorites
I must have it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
07-05-28 10:37:46
64marjo64 ::: Favorites
This will be the greatest Mario game ever! Wii can't wait!
07-04-15 03:59:09
SkullCunt666 ::: Favorites
WOW,thats all i have to say about that :D
07-03-23 07:31:06

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