Sunday, September 30, 2007

David Choi and HappySlip on Stickam pt 2

Duration: 05:09 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-14 03:02:12
User: LeonSORTX
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David Choi sings "I Think I Like You" with HappySlip on Stickam 09.13.07. Then HappySlip says her goodbyes.... ((Sniff sniff)) Once again David and Christine .... If You dont want me to show this video. Just say the word and I'll take it down


mojacko24 ::: Favorites
ooops.. or 30.
07-09-30 04:50:12
mojacko24 ::: Favorites
she's 31 but at least david is older than kevjumba! LoL
07-09-30 04:49:51
xchublubx ::: Favorites
okie, i dunno how old happy slip is... and i know they haven't said ne thing about the two of them dating... but doesn't it seem like it? i mean, it could be possible?! ...that makes ME jealous! :p
07-09-29 02:07:08
mojacko24 ::: Favorites
LoL stellarz looked jealous.
07-09-28 22:25:26
yasaman23 ::: Favorites
07-09-28 21:11:11
SartaySimon ::: Favorites
they keep giving each other glances. specially david. hehe. if shes taken. its too bad.. cos they seem really good together. we people like assuming.
07-09-28 12:10:40
rpgamer08 ::: Favorites
r u sick
07-09-27 21:52:36
Estelwen ::: Favorites
David is hot, Christine is hot. that's awesome :)
07-09-24 16:06:49
jimg29 ::: Favorites
atlast ^-^ choi smilez avec happy :D
07-09-23 18:58:58
misturrnikko ::: Favorites
07-09-22 16:38:32

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