Saturday, October 6, 2007

Аэрофлот Boeing 777-2Q8/ER Approaching Москва

Duration: 03:20 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-04 17:31:20
User: bozo86
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First of all, thanks to Michael aka Jackal for helping me with the Cyrillic letters.. ..inspired by our "bro'ski" Edward I decided to fly to Domodedovo, using IGFly's excellent UUDD scenery and the PSS777, I was shocked when I noticed that this plane really simulates skidding on iced runways! (not to forget the probs I had with the COM Radios on short final ^_^ ) Please you will watch them, I hope you'll like, it is nice, I like ^_^*


bekor ::: Favorites
thats too low myfriend, you got low ,thrashhold, pull up!!(:
07-09-29 23:42:51
bozo86 ::: Favorites
thats the PSS777 !
07-09-28 13:32:49
maxdurand ::: Favorites
HI MY FRIND i wave this plane the wilco 777-200 but i cant look diferent views (cop pilot) help do you wave the manuall of wilco 777-200 ? cc-boe
07-09-27 01:24:21
mistaxray ::: Favorites
Steht doch in der Beschreibung!
07-09-05 14:09:38
Freshmaker79 ::: Favorites
High-five! I like very much :D
07-09-05 13:59:14
bozo86 ::: Favorites
1.Stefan De La Barbulesti - Eu Vin Acasa Cu Drag, 2.Russian Red Army Choir - National Anthem, 3.Russian Red Army Choir - Kalinka, 4.The Pale - Dogs with no Tails
07-09-05 08:59:35
edetroit ::: Favorites
Noice! the reverser spray and the lighting effect
07-09-05 02:05:28
bulu1284 ::: Favorites
birde ilk şarkının adını yazarsan sevinirim
07-09-04 19:34:17
amele ::: Favorites
HAha borat in başında çalan muzik degil mi bu!
07-09-04 19:33:56
rafapiloto175 ::: Favorites
nive video again m8!!! I love the comm problems!!! kkkkkk
07-09-04 19:31:50

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