Tuesday, September 25, 2007

David Icke on Wogan

Duration: 11:52 minutes
Upload Time: 06-07-09 14:48:05
User: adjuk
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David Icke Appears on Wogan after a 20 year gap


ganon916 ::: Favorites
i love this video its great
07-09-22 04:16:03
groovenome ::: Favorites
David Icke is great.. hes prolly one of the most important on this planet..
07-09-22 02:31:07
thebigt82 ::: Favorites
HAHA, 9:50 Open society my ass
07-09-21 01:49:16
Vasaeon ::: Favorites
It is easy tosee how stupid people really are. They are manipulated in howthey think, what they believe. However, that is becasue the nature of most beings is greed, ignorance, and hatred. That is unfortunately the case. In some sense, people do it to themselves, and they recieve the fruit of the actions. (Kamma is a law of physics) Only a few practice for the destruction of greeed, hatred and delusion. The vast majority in the words of the Buddha "Suffer repeatedly, over a vast time."
07-09-20 09:09:10
Vasaeon ::: Favorites
Icke must expect some ridicule, as he says some ridiculous things. However, he also says some sense. Most people are indded like sheep, and 1984 is unfolding in front of us. However, the things about aliens running things from his other 'writings' or a bloodline from Sumeria to modern times is pure nonsense. He also would have recieved less ridcule if he stated what is the case. In a sense, WE ARE ALL OF THE GODHEAD. Then he may have recieved less ridicule.
07-09-20 09:01:53
sesquipedalianistic ::: Favorites
Icke is Konkers
07-09-18 19:43:12
SaltireBlaze ::: Favorites
Ike got some pay-back in this interview from the one he had done yrs earlier.This time,it was not him who came out looking stupid.
07-09-16 03:29:51
SeamusPaxman ::: Favorites
Wogan's an asshole!
07-09-16 01:00:27
umug1 ::: Favorites
wogan aint a complete nob he speaks for most of britain unfortanuly. but icke is on his way to proving alot of people wrong
07-09-14 14:44:29
ptobcracker ::: Favorites
yo, Wogan's a dick. Icke knows exactly what he's talking about.
07-09-13 19:41:34

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